Build Customer Relationships!

January 16, 2009

Don’t Compare Price! Build A Competitive Comparison Grid

The relationship with a customer doesn’t end with the sale. The purchase of an item or use of your service should be the beginning of a long-term relationship with your customer. After the purchase, the relationship must be grounded in not only the quality of the product but also in the strength of your service and response to customer needs. How do you gauge and evaluate your quality of product, service and response beyond the price tag?

The successful business owner will start by building a Competitive Comparison Grid. Evaluate your products and services and compare them with those of your competitors. It is not only what you sell, but also how you sell and supply that counts. Customers may want the latest, top of the line model, but what will bring them back long after the transaction is completed will be your follow through service and response to their needs and wants. A Competitive Comparison Grid can help you internally evaluate what it is that you do best in comparison with your competitors. Use the relationship you build with your customers to define and build your grid. How and on what do we compare? Start by defining what it is you provide as a value merchant vs. a price merchant. Of course value merchants don’t compare price alone, right? We define ourselves not only by the products we offer but by service as well. Value is service! A specialty store client of mine once told me that value is always “one notch above its price point.” Service is whatever your customers think it is and expect of you. Therefore you must know your customers very well and the comparison grid is an excellent means of evaluating how you are meeting and exceeding expectations.

There are numerous ways a business can build a comparison grid.

• Institute a Customer Service Index
Identify the types of service you should be giving and rate each type in terms of the needs of your dealership. Marriott Hotels initiated a similar procedure with its Guest Service Index, a list of specific services that were rated according to the quality of service a guest received. This is invaluable to front-line people because it enables them to focus on customer satisfaction. Ask yourself, “On what do I want my staff to be judged? Are they knowledgeable and responsive? Do they look for opportunities to serve? Do they take pride in their personal appearance and that of the business?” You can formulate the comparison questions to fit your own business.
• Adopt a Customer Satisfaction Verification Program
Value merchants take the time to make a follow-up call to customers to ask if their expectations were met or exceeded by the value and delivery of the product. When staying at a Westin hotel I was contacted by the Guest Relations Director shortly after checking into my room. She was calling to make sure I was satisfied with everything in the room and to check if I needed anything else. Is your staff making follow-up calls to see how satisfactory was the first use of your product? Do they call to see if there are any questions they can answer or give advice?
• Sell Your Strengths To Customers
Don’t create an awareness among consumers that you have a competitor. Rather than competing on price when a customer may press you to compare with a price merchant, you may say, “Our product, with its extended warranty, is guaranteed to operate at peak performance for the time that you own it.” Note that nothing was said about the competitor’s warranty or price, doing so will only encourage comparison with another company and its products and services. Don’t defend price – define value!
• Build a Frequent Shopper Program
When times get tough, don’t lower price just to get the business. Instead, give your customer “equivalency points” to use to purchase other items or to obtain a discount after reaching a certain accumulated amount of purchases. Several clothing stores I know of “award” customers with points to purchase merchandise at regular retail prices at special intervals. Recently I was in San Diego and shopped at a California based grocery chain called Ralph’s. Customers receive a coupon printed on their receipt that is good for points accumulated towards the purchase of certain items in the store at a later date, i.e., baby food, wine, bakery items, etc. Businesses can award “bonus points” to the customer who purchases computer add on items that can be used to purchase other accessory items within a certain time frame.

The challenge for us to avoid is battling with our competitors over price and product alone. We can draw a correlation with what the hotel industry calls the “Amenity Wars.” A Strategic Information Research Corporation (SIRC) study revealed that 73% of travelers who responded said it was not the amenities in a hotel that mattered. It was the service level, the staff’s responsiveness to their needs that was most important. We can only give our customers a product that is equal to or better than our competitors. The rest is up to our team. You can only provide the best item that the industry offers to you. I believe the premium customer knows that and wants something more from you, value-added service.

Stop comparing your business on price and product alone. Use the information you gather with your Market Intelligence System (we defined that in the previous article) and get to know what your customers want and perceive and how your competitors respond to that. Then build your own Competitive Comparison Grid and you’ll understand who is in command to win the war.

Thomas J. Winninger, founder of the Winninger Institute for Marketing Strategy is under contract with 70 major companies in North America to ensure their competitive market dominance. He is the author of Price Wars, Sell Easy, Full Price and the recent BULLSEYE Book 1 Think Smart. Take the BULLSEYE QUIZ at